
ExcelFit With Molly offers in-person, one-on-one fitness training, partner, and small group classes as well as local traveling training and online fitness coaching to reach people all over the world!

Molly Kujawski, owner of ExcelFit With Molly, has been a certified fitness trainer, health coach, and group fitness instructor for 14 years.  She offers a WIDE variety of fitness techniques such as: HIIT, Kickboxing, Yoga & Pilates, Barre, Strength & Core, and more.

From a seasoned fitness veteran to a beginner, you will find a energetic, motivating, and challenging workout every time you take an in-person class, training session, or online workout with Molly Kujwaski!

Located at: 2020 Gold Hill Rd in Fort Mill, SC (Center Stage Dance Studio), small group classes and private fitness training sessions are held from 5:30am-2:30pm M-F as well as Saturday morning classes! (Travel training is also an option!)

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