Detoxifying Yoga Poses

The yoga poses below will stimulate your circulatory, digestive, and lymphatic systems, helping you rid your body of waste and toxins!

In addition to the physical benefits, yoga can also provide mental clarity. The calming and centering aspects of yoga are essential for an all-over detox for your mind and body, helping release physical, mental, and emotional toxicity.

Here is a list of just some of the benefits of adding yoga into your weekly health & fitness routine:

  • Increased energy
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Better balanced hormones
  • Improved digestion
  • Less stress
  • Less toxic build-up in the body
Forward Fold

Detoxifying forward fold pose

 Forward Fold Pose:

This pose is great for opening tight hamstrings, allowing your head to fall below your heart. It also reverses the pull of gravity, encouraging circulation of blood throughout the body. The folding motion squeezes the belly which also moves things along for digestion.


Downward dog with a lifted, bent knee

Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Holding your head below your heart and your leg lifted in the air in this variation of Downward Dog encourages blood to circulate throughout the body, as well as move fluid to the lymph nodes. This pose can also be very relaxing, which can help in mental detox as well as releasing stress, fear, and sadness.


Revolved Chair Pose

This pose strengthens your quads and glutes in a major way!   This deep twist is also excellent for aiding digestion as you feel the gentle pressure on your kidneys, liver, and spleen that stimulates the removal of toxins, while toning your abdominal wall.
It stimulates the heart, improving circulation in the blood, respiratory, and lymphatic systems.
Modification: Start in Chair Pose, bringing hands together at your heart. Take a big inhale to lengthen spine, and exhale to twist to the right, taking left elbow outside of right thigh. Inhale to center and exhale to twist to left. Repeat this sequence five times on each side.


Dolphin Pose

This pose really challenges your shoulders, core, and lower leg muscles.  It also helps stimulate the nervous system and promotes and feeling of relaxation.

Tips:  Try to line up your arms parallel to each other with your elbows in line with your wrists.  Squeeze your quads!  Relax your neck and muscles in your face while holding this pose.


Locust Pose

This pose strengthens the entire back of the body, opens the heart, and encourages good posture. The pressure on your abdomen also encourages digestion, which stimulates the release of those things that might be causing you stress.


Plow Pose

Plow Pose strengthens and stretches the back muscles, aligning the spine and improving your posture, stimulating the abdominal organs, ovaries, bladder, and kidney, and relieving digestive issues. It also increases metabolism and tones the abdominal wall.

supine twist

Supine Twist

A twist will help give you mental clarity, relieve stress and deep tension, and detoxify your entire system by primarily massaging your internal organs, encouraging the elimination of toxins.
When you release your twist, fresh blood and nutrients rush back into your digestive organs, helping nourish and support them. *Stay in Supine Twist for at least five deep breaths, then repeat on other side.*

Try these yoga poses to help promote detoxification, reduce stress, increase flexibility, improve mental clarity and more.  I recommend holding each pose for at least 5 breaths or longer and try your best to be focusing on your breath and body vs being lost in thought.  Good luck-I hope these help!